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NASA Warns of Bus-Sized Asteroid Heading Towards Earth at 14,400 Kmph

Photo Credit by Times Now

NASA Issues Alert on Incoming Asteroid Traveling at 14,400 Kmph

NASA has raised concerns over an asteroid roughly the size of a bus that is currently on a trajectory towards Earth, traveling at a staggering speed of 14,400 kilometers per hour. The asteroid, named 2024 DP1, was detected by NASA’s Near-Earth Object Observations program.

According to NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), the asteroid measures approximately 12 meters in diameter, making it comparable in size to a standard city bus. While this asteroid is smaller than those that typically pose a significant threat to Earth, its high speed and proximity have warranted close monitoring.

The asteroid is expected to make its closest approach to Earth on June 12, 2024. At its nearest point, it will pass within a distance of 150,000 kilometers, roughly 40% of the distance between the Earth and the Moon. Although this may seem alarming, NASA assures the public that the likelihood of an impact is extremely low. 

NASA's Planetary Defense Coordination Office (PDCO) has emphasized that even in the unlikely event of an impact, the asteroid's relatively small size means it would likely disintegrate upon entering Earth's atmosphere, causing minimal damage. Nonetheless, the PDCO continues to track the asteroid's path meticulously to ensure any changes in its trajectory are swiftly identified.

The discovery of 2024 DP1 highlights the ongoing importance of monitoring near-Earth objects (NEOs). NASA's efforts to detect, track, and characterize such objects are crucial in safeguarding our planet from potential impacts. The organization collaborates with international space agencies and observatories worldwide to maintain a comprehensive watch on the skies.

This event serves as a reminder of the dynamic nature of our solar system and the vital role that space agencies play in protecting Earth. While the imminent passage of 2024 DP1 poses no immediate threat, it underscores the need for continued vigilance and preparedness in the realm of planetary defense.

For more updates on 2024 DP1 and other near-Earth objects, NASA encourages the public to visit their official website and follow their announcements on social media.


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