Using ExoPlayer for Video Playback in Android

Introduction to


ExoPlayer is a powerful, customizable media player for Android that provides a more robust solution for video playback compared to the standard MediaPlayer class. This article will explore the key features of ExoPlayer, how to set it up, and how to use it for seamless video playback in your Android applications.

1. What is ExoPlayer?

ExoPlayer is an open-source media player developed by Google that provides an alternative to the native MediaPlayer API. It supports a wide range of media formats, including DASH (Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP), SmoothStreaming, and HLS (HTTP Live Streaming). ExoPlayer is highly customizable and provides better support for streaming and adaptive playback compared to MediaPlayer.

2. Why Use ExoPlayer?

There are several reasons to use ExoPlayer over the native MediaPlayer:

  • Wide Format Support: ExoPlayer supports more media formats, including adaptive streaming formats like DASH and HLS.
  • Customizability: You can customize ExoPlayer’s components to suit your app’s specific needs.
  • Modular Design: ExoPlayer's modular design allows developers to pick and choose components that are necessary for their application, reducing the overall footprint.
  • Better Streaming Support: ExoPlayer provides more robust and efficient streaming capabilities, including better support for adaptive bitrate streaming.
  • Improved Performance: ExoPlayer offers better performance in handling complex media playback scenarios.

3. Getting Started with


Adding ExoPlayer to Your Project

To get started with ExoPlayer, you need to add the necessary dependencies to your project. Add the following lines to your build.gradle file:

implementation '' implementation ''

Creating a Simple ExoPlayer Instance

Once you've added the dependencies, you can create a simple ExoPlayer instance. Here’s how to do it:

val player = SimpleExoPlayer.Builder(context).build() val playerView = findViewById( playerView.player = player

In this example, we create an instance of SimpleExoPlayer and attach it to a PlayerView in our layout. This is the basic setup for playing media using ExoPlayer.

4. Playing Media with


To play media, you need to create a MediaItem and set it on the player. Here's how you can do it:

val mediaItem = MediaItem.fromUri("") player.setMediaItem(mediaItem) player.prepare() player.playWhenReady = true

This code snippet sets up a MediaItem with a video URL and prepares the player to start playback when ready.

Adding Media Controls

ExoPlayer provides built-in media controls through the PlayerControlView class, which is included in the PlayerView by default. You can customize the control buttons as needed.

5. Advanced

ExoPlayer Features

Handling DRM Protected Content

ExoPlayer supports DRM (Digital Rights Management) protected content, allowing you to play secure streams. You'll need to configure a DefaultDrmSessionManager to handle DRM content.

Adaptive Streaming

ExoPlayer excels at adaptive streaming, which adjusts the video quality based on the user’s network conditions. It supports DASH, HLS, and SmoothStreaming for adaptive playback.

Customizing Buffering

You can customize ExoPlayer's buffering strategy to improve playback experience under different network conditions. Here's how you can do it:

val loadControl = DefaultLoadControl.Builder() .setBufferDurationsMs( 5000, // Min buffer size before playback starts 50000, // Max buffer size 1500, // Min playback duration after rebuffer 2000 // Max playback duration before rebuffer ).build() val player = SimpleExoPlayer.Builder(context) .setLoadControl(loadControl) .build()

By adjusting these parameters, you can control how much content is buffered before playback starts, as well as how the player handles rebuffering during playback.

Handling Device Orientation Changes

ExoPlayer handles orientation changes better when you manage the player's state manually. This can be done by saving the player's current position and playback state in the onSaveInstanceState method and restoring them in onRestoreInstanceState.

override fun onSaveInstanceState(outState: Bundle) { super.onSaveInstanceState(outState) outState.putLong("playerPosition", player.currentPosition) outState.putBoolean("playWhenReady", player.playWhenReady) } override fun onRestoreInstanceState(savedInstanceState: Bundle) { super.onRestoreInstanceState(savedInstanceState) val playerPosition = savedInstanceState.getLong("playerPosition") val playWhenReady = savedInstanceState.getBoolean("playWhenReady") player.seekTo(playerPosition) player.playWhenReady = playWhenReady }

This approach ensures that the video continues playing smoothly after an orientation change, without any loss of playback state.

6. Conclusion

ExoPlayer is a powerful and flexible tool for handling video playback in Android applications. With its wide format support, customizable features, and better performance, it offers a superior alternative to the native MediaPlayer API. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can integrate ExoPlayer into your Android app to provide a rich and seamless media playback experience for your users.

Further Resources

By leveraging the power of ExoPlayer, you can build Android applications that deliver high-quality media experiences, ensuring that your users enjoy smooth and efficient video playback.

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