ProGuard and R8 for Code Shrinking in Android

As Android developers, optimizing our applications is a crucial step to ensure that they run efficiently and consume minimal resources. Among various optimization techniques, code shrinking is one of the most effective ways to reduce the size of an Android app. In the Android ecosystem, ProGuard and R8 are the two main tools for code shrinking, obfuscation, and optimization.

This article will explore both ProGuard and R8, covering their usage, configurations, and best practices to achieve efficient code shrinking in Android applications.

1. What is Code


Code shrinking refers to the process of reducing the size of the compiled code in an Android application. This is particularly important because smaller app sizes lead to quicker downloads, less storage usage, and better overall performance.

Code shrinking typically involves three main techniques:

  • Dead Code Removal: Eliminating unused code from the application.
  • Obfuscation: Renaming classes, methods, and fields to meaningless names to make reverse engineering more difficult.
  • Optimization: Rewriting code to make it more efficient.

2. Introduction to


ProGuard is a tool that has been widely used in the Android ecosystem for code shrinking, obfuscation, and optimization. It processes Java bytecode to remove unused code, renames identifiers, and performs other optimizations.

ProGuard has been around for quite some time and is well-documented. It is integrated into the Android build process, and you can easily enable it in your project.

2.1 Enabling ProGuard in Your Android Project

To enable ProGuard in your Android project, add the following configuration in your build.gradle file:

Groovy build.gradle
android { buildTypes { release { minifyEnabled true proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android-optimize.txt'), '' } } }

The minifyEnabled true setting tells the build system to run ProGuard during the build process. The proguardFiles line specifies the ProGuard configuration files to be used.

2.2 ProGuard Rules

ProGuard rules are used to control how ProGuard processes your code. These rules are specified in the file. Here are some common rules:

  • -keep: Prevents ProGuard from obfuscating or removing specific classes or methods.
  • -dontwarn: Suppresses warnings for missing classes or other issues.
  • -optimizations: Specifies which optimizations to apply during processing.
-keep class com.example.myapp.** { *; } -dontwarn javax.annotation.** -optimizations !code/simplification/arithmetic

3. Introduction to R8

R8 is a code shrinker and obfuscator that replaces ProGuard in Android builds. It is developed by Google and integrated into the Android Gradle plugin, providing better performance and additional features compared to ProGuard.

R8 is designed to be a drop-in replacement for ProGuard, meaning that it can use existing ProGuard configuration files and rules with little or no modification.

3.1 Differences Between ProGuard and R8

While R8 is intended to replace ProGuard, there are some key differences between the two tools:

  • Performance: R8 is generally faster and more efficient than ProGuard, especially for large codebases.
  • Integration: R8 is integrated directly into the Android Gradle plugin, while ProGuard requires additional configuration.
  • Features: R8 supports advanced features like desugaring (converting newer Java language features to bytecode compatible with older Android versions).

3.2 Enabling R8 in Your Android Project

R8 is enabled by default in the Android Gradle plugin version 3.4.0 and higher. If you're using an older version of the plugin, you can enable R8 by adding the following line to your file:


If you're using a recent version of the Android Gradle plugin, R8 will already be enabled, and you can continue using your existing ProGuard rules.

3.3 R8-Specific Features

R8 includes some features that are not available in ProGuard:

  • Class inlining: R8 can inline small classes to further reduce the code size.
  • Enum optimization: R8 can optimize the usage of enums in your code.
  • Desugaring: Converts newer Java language features to bytecode compatible with older Android versions.

4. Best Practices for

Using ProGuard and


While ProGuard and R8 offer powerful code shrinking and obfuscation capabilities, using them effectively requires following certain best practices:

  • Test Thoroughly: After enabling ProGuard or R8, thoroughly test your app to ensure that it works correctly. Code shrinking can sometimes remove classes or methods that are required at runtime, so make sure to cover all use cases in your tests.
  • Use Keep Rules Judiciously: Use the -keep rules only when necessary. Excessive use of keep rules can negate the benefits of code shrinking.
  • Review Obfuscation: Obfuscation can make debugging more difficult, so review how your code is obfuscated and adjust your keep rules to balance security and maintainability.
  • Monitor Build Time: Code shrinking adds to your build time. If you notice significant delays, consider adjusting your configurations or upgrading your tools.
  • Analyze APK Size: Use tools like APK Analyzer in Android Studio to compare the size of your APK with and without code shrinking. This helps you understand the impact of ProGuard or R8 on your app's size.
  • Optimize Configurations: Review and optimize your ProGuard or R8 configurations regularly. As your codebase evolves, certain rules may become obsolete or redundant.

5. Common Issues

and Troubleshooting

While ProGuard and R8 are powerful tools, they can sometimes cause issues, especially in complex projects. Below are some common issues and troubleshooting tips:

5.1 Missing Classes or Methods

If you encounter a ClassNotFoundException or NoSuchMethodException after enabling code shrinking, it may be because ProGuard or R8 removed necessary code. To fix this, add a -keep rule for the affected class or method in your ProGuard rules file.

-keep class com.example.myapp.MyClass { *; }

5.2 Missing Resources

Sometimes, resources (like layouts or drawables) might be removed during code shrinking if they are not explicitly referenced in the code. To prevent this, use the -keepresource rule to specify the resources that should be kept.

5.3 Build Failures

Build failures can occur if there are issues with your ProGuard or R8 configuration. Check the build logs for details on what went wrong. You may need to adjust your rules or configurations to resolve these issues.

5.4 Debugging Obfuscated Code

When debugging obfuscated code, it can be challenging to map the obfuscated names back to the original code. Use the mapping file generated by ProGuard or R8 (typically found in the build/outputs/mapping/release directory) to de-obfuscate stack traces and understand what went wrong.

6. Conclusion

ProGuard and R8 are essential tools for Android developers aiming to optimize their applications through code shrinking, obfuscation, and optimization. By effectively using these tools, you can reduce your app's size, improve performance, and enhance security.

Whether you're using ProGuard or R8, it's important to thoroughly test your app after applying code shrinking, adjust your configurations based on your app's needs, and stay informed about best practices and new features.

As the Android ecosystem continues to evolve, tools like R8 are likely to play an increasingly important role in the development process. By mastering these tools, you can ensure that your Android applications are lean, fast, and secure.

Remember, the key to successful code shrinking lies in finding the right balance between minimizing your app's size and maintaining its functionality and security. With careful configuration and testing, ProGuard and R8 can help you achieve this balance and take your Android development to the next level.

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