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Ghost of Tsushima PC Reviews: A Masterpiece in a New Light

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Ghost of Tsushima PC

Reviews: A

Breathtaking Samurai

Epic Reimagined

The anticipation surrounding the PC release of "Ghost of Tsushima" has been immense. Originally a PlayStation exclusive, this open-world action-adventure game developed by Sucker Punch Productions and published by Sony Interactive Entertainment has been lauded for its breathtaking visuals, captivating storytelling, and innovative gameplay since its release in July 2020. Now, as it makes its debut on PC, fans and critics alike are eager to see how well this samurai epic translates to a new platform. Here, we delve into the reviews and explore how "Ghost of Tsushima" performs on PC.

Visuals and Performance

One of the most celebrated aspects of "Ghost of Tsushima" on PlayStation was its stunning visual presentation. The game’s meticulous recreation of feudal Japan, with its lush landscapes, dynamic weather, and intricate character models, set a new standard for graphical fidelity. On PC, these visuals are even more impressive, thanks to enhanced hardware capabilities.

4K Resolution and High Frame Rates:

The PC version supports 4K resolution and offers uncapped frame rates, allowing players with powerful rigs to experience the game in its full glory. Reviews highlight how the detailed environments, from the swaying fields of pampas grass to the serene, mist-covered mountains, look even more breathtaking. The game’s photomode, already a fan favorite, benefits significantly from these enhancements, providing players with the tools to capture even more stunning in-game photographs.

Graphical Settings:

Customization is a significant advantage of the PC version. Players can tweak various graphical settings, including texture quality, shadows, and anti-aliasing, to find the perfect balance between performance and visual quality. This level of customization ensures that even those with mid-range PCs can enjoy a smooth gameplay experience without sacrificing too much on visual fidelity.

Ray Tracing and DLSS:

Although "Ghost of Tsushima" on PC does not support ray tracing, it does benefit from NVIDIA’s DLSS (Deep Learning Super Sampling) technology. This AI-driven feature enhances performance by rendering images at a lower resolution and then upscaling them, providing a sharp and detailed image with less strain on the hardware. Reviews have noted that DLSS significantly boosts frame rates, particularly in graphically intense scenes, making the game more accessible to a broader range of PCs.

Gameplay and Controls

Translating a game designed primarily for console play to PC always comes with its challenges, particularly concerning controls. "Ghost of Tsushima" has made this transition smoothly, offering multiple control schemes to cater to different player preferences.

Keyboard and Mouse Support:

For those who prefer the precision of a keyboard and mouse, "Ghost of Tsushima" offers full support with customizable key bindings. This option has been praised for its responsiveness, especially in combat scenarios where precise timing and quick reactions are crucial. The ability to remap keys ensures that players can create a setup that feels comfortable and intuitive.

Controller Compatibility:

For players who prefer a more traditional experience, the game also supports various controllers, including the PlayStation DualShock 4 and the newer DualSense. The haptic feedback and adaptive triggers of the DualSense are partially supported, providing an immersive experience that mirrors the original console version. This feature, combined with the seamless integration of controller inputs, makes the transition from PlayStation to PC almost seamless for returning players.

Story and Immersion

The story of "Ghost of Tsushima," which follows samurai Jin Sakai as he battles to liberate his homeland from Mongol invaders, remains as compelling as ever. Reviews emphasize that the narrative’s impact is undiminished by the platform change.

Rich Narrative and Character Development:

The game’s writing, character arcs, and emotional depth have been universally praised. On PC, the enhanced visuals and performance contribute to a more immersive experience, allowing players to lose themselves in Tsushima’s world. The intricate details of character expressions and the atmospheric environments enhance the storytelling, making the player feel even more connected to Jin’s journey.

Cultural Authenticity:

"Ghost of Tsushima" is also celebrated for its respectful representation of Japanese culture and history. The game’s attention to detail in portraying samurai traditions, landscapes, and historical events enriches the narrative experience. The optional Japanese voice track, which pairs excellently with English subtitles, provides an authentic feel that has been lauded by both players and critics.

Additional Features and Enhancements

The PC version of "Ghost of Tsushima" includes all previously released content, including the "Legends" multiplayer mode and the "Iki Island" expansion. These additions significantly extend the game's lifespan and offer diverse gameplay experiences.

Legends Mode:

This cooperative multiplayer mode allows players to team up and tackle story missions, survival challenges, and raids. Reviews have praised the seamless integration of this mode on PC, highlighting the smooth online performance and the variety of content available. The mode’s unique classes and abilities offer a different gameplay dynamic, providing a fresh take on the combat system.

Iki Island Expansion:

The Iki Island expansion introduces a new region to explore, filled with additional story content, side missions, and collectibles. On PC, the expansion’s new areas are visually stunning, benefiting from the enhanced graphical capabilities. The additional narrative content deepens Jin’s story and provides more context to his character, making it a must-play for fans of the original game.

Community and Modding Potential

One of the most exciting prospects of "Ghost of Tsushima" on PC is the potential for modding. The PC gaming community is known for its creativity, and the ability to modify and enhance games often leads to an extended lifespan and new, user-generated content.

Modding Community:

While official modding tools are not provided, the community has already begun exploring ways to modify the game. From graphical enhancements to new costumes and gameplay tweaks, the modding potential is vast. Reviews have noted that this aspect could lead to a wealth of new content and innovations, keeping the game fresh for years to come.

Community Engagement:

The PC gaming community is also known for its active forums and social media presence. Players sharing tips, showcasing their photomode captures, and discussing narrative theories enrich the overall gaming experience. This vibrant community engagement is already evident with the PC release, with numerous discussions and shared experiences popping up across various platforms.


"Ghost of Tsushima" on PC has been met with overwhelmingly positive reviews. The game’s stunning visuals, compelling story, and refined gameplay have transitioned beautifully to the new platform. Enhanced graphical settings, responsive controls, and additional content make it a worthwhile experience for both new players and those returning from the PlayStation version.

The potential for modding and the active community further enhance the game’s appeal, promising a long and vibrant life on PC. Whether you’re a fan of samurai epics, open-world adventures, or simply appreciate a well-crafted game, "Ghost of Tsushima" on PC is a must-play. It stands as a testament to what can be achieved when a beloved title is thoughtfully brought to a new audience, retaining its core strengths while embracing the unique advantages of the PC platform.


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